uForte OPC Server Development Kit

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"uForte OPC Server Development Kit" is a fine product, it has been extremely successful in the implementations we have used it in Coating Control and Mill Control."
Ned Scopulovic, Senior Systems Engineer at Hatch IAS


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OPC Address Space

Start "uForte OPC Server Control Panel" from the program's group, right click it in the system tray and select "OPC Address Space...".

The product is installed with a default address space which can be changed in this window:

Left hand side panel displays branches in the OPC address space.
Right hand side panel displays items with some properties in the current branch. "Current Value" column displays initial item value and doesn't reflect current item value when the OPC server is running (only an OPC client can display the current item value).

File menu.

"Save" - save current address space.
"Reload" - reload address space from the file (<install folder>\DefaultAddressSpace.xml).
"New" - remove all current items and branches.
"Open..." - load address space from a file.
"Save a copy..." - save current address space into an arbitrary xml file as a backup.

Edit menu.

"New Branch..." - create new branch in the current branch.
"New Item..." - create new item in the current branch.
"Delete" - delete current branch or item.
"HDA Database Data..." - display archive data for the current item.
"Properties..." - properties of the current branch or item.

Branch popup menu.

"New Branch..." - create new branch in the current branch.
"New Item..." - create new item in the current branch.
"Delete" - delete current branch.
"Properties..." - properties of the current branch. Right click on the white space to create branch in the top most invisible branch.

Item popup menu.

"New Item..." - create new item in the current branch.
"Delete" - delete current item.
"Archive Data..." - display archive data for the current item.
"Properties..." - properties of the current item.

New branch. Enter item name and click "Save" or "Save & Create New".

New item. Enter item properties and click "Save" or "Save & Create New".

"Name" - item name. Try to avoid special symbols that can't be used in a file name.
"Data type" - select item value type. Item values will have to be compatible with this type.
"Initial Value" - item value when the server is started until changed.
"Readable" - tick if the item can have values that can be read by OPC clients.
"Writeable" - tick if the item can be written by OPC clients.
"Server Scan Rate" - minimum of how often item values can be changed.
"Archive item values" - save all item values to make them available to OPC HDA clients.

"Archive data..." - item values saved in the historian database that are available to OPC HDA clients.

"Item" - item which values have been archived. If an existing in the address space item isn't available then it has no archived values.
"From", "To" - time period to select data for.
"Retrieve only" - max number of values to read in this dialog (to limit the system load).
"Show data" - click to retrieve archived item values.
"values retrieved" - archive values.
"Save data..." - click to export retrieved values into an xml file.

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