uForte OPC Server Development Kit

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"uForte OPC Server Development Kit" is a fine product, it has been extremely successful in the implementations we have used it in Coating Control and Mill Control."
Ned Scopulovic, Senior Systems Engineer at Hatch IAS


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OPC HDA Database Explorer

Start "uForte OPC Server Control Panel" from the program's group, right click it in the system tray and select "OPC HDA Database Explorer...".

It displays all the OPC item values currently stored in the database. It may exclude values that are currently in the uForte OPC Server Engine cache.

The values are stored in chunks which are displayed in rows here. One chunk can hold values of only one OPC item:

  • Item ID - OPC item id.
  • Earliest/Latest value time - time period covered by the values in the chunk.
  • Value count - number of values in the chunk.
Right click on any chunk to display available commands which are duplicated on the tool bar of the window.
  • Delete all items all values from database... - clears the database.
  • Delete selected item values from database... - delete some values from the database.
  • Refresh - reload the database.
  • Show selected item values... - display values of the currently selected OPC item.

    "Item" - item which values have been archived. If an existing in the address space item isn't available then it has no archived values.
    "From", "To" - time period to select data for.
    "Retrieve only" - max number of values to read in this dialog (to limit the system load).
    "Show data" - click to retrieve archived item values.
    "values retrieved" - archive values.
    "Save data..." - click to export retrieved values into an xml file.
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