uForte OPC Server Development Kit

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About OPC
"uForte OPC Server Development Kit" is a fine product, it has been extremely successful in the implementations we have used it in Coating Control and Mill Control."
Ned Scopulovic, Senior Systems Engineer at Hatch IAS


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Start "uForte OPC Server Control Panel" from the program's group, right click it in the system tray and select "Options...".

  • Historian database - this option allows to select database for the HDA server.
    • Internal database is MsAccess.
    • Ms SQL Server all versions are supported. The selected database will be initialized automatically by the OPC server. OLEDB connection string example:
      Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=myServerAddress;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;Integrated Security=SSPI;
    • Database Maintenance Options - options to remove unnecessary values from the database and prevent overloading. This allows to run the OPC server smoothly without intervention for longer periods of time.

      • Keep all the values ... - all the OPC item values will be kept in the database until the database is overloaded.
      • Keep the last N values - the minimum number of most recent values to be kept in the database for each OPC item. The older values will be removed as the new values arrive.
      • Keep values for the last N minutes - the minimum number of minutes that the most recent values will be kept for. The older values will be removed as the new values arrive. The rule applies to every OPC item individually.
      • Delete the oldest ... - this rule applies to the internal database only (Ms Access) when it gets oveloaded and no more values can stored in there. In which case the specified here percentage of each OPC item values will be removed starting from the oldest. 0 % - disables the action. 100 % - the database will be emptied.
      • Please note that in reality more values will be kept in the database for optimization purposes.
  • Title, OPC DA Server CLSID, OPC AE Server CLSID, OPC HDA Server CLSID, Service Name - OPC server customization options.
  • Start CCM after OPC server. - CCM file name (usually CCM.exe) which must be in the installation folder. This CCM will be started automatically when the OPC server starts. The CCM will be executed from the same user account as the OPC server (LocalSystem by default).
  • Start server with empty address space - the OPC server will ignore the address space specified in the OPC Address Space editor. This option is useful when the address space is dynamic and should be provided from CCM.
  • Map OPC items to files ... - this is an alternative mechanism to interact with the OPC server which is less powerful than CCM but simpler. The OPC server will create folders and files in the mapping subfolder of the installation folder. The OPC address space will be mapped to the file system where branches will be mapped to folders and OPC items to files. The files will contain corresponding OPC item values. There will be a two way connection between the files and the corresponding OPC items, i.e. when an OPC item value changes the corresponding file will be updated automatically. When content of any of those files changes (e.g. if you open it up in Notepad, change the content and save) the corresponding OPC item will be updated.

    NOTE: if OPC item name and/or branch contain characters incompatible with the files system, e.g. #%&{}\<>*?/$!'":@+`|=, then those items and branches will be skipped in the mapping.

  • Enable UForte OPC XML DA Sever ... - enable OPC XML DA server at the specified address.
  • Enable UForte OPC UA Sever ... - enable OPC UA server at the specified address.
  • Logging level - this option controls the information the OPC server will output into the .log files in the installation foder (e.g. ufOPCSvrCust.2015-05-27_000.log). It is primarily for troubleshooting and recommended to keep default.
  • Defaults - set all options to their default values.

OPC Server Customization

Change "Title" and "Service Name" to change the way the OPC server identified in OPC clients and in the system. CLSIDs can also be changed if necessary by entering required values or clicking New buttons.

The changes as seen in the OPC client.

In the "Services" applet.


The uForte OPC Server Engine includes OPC XML DA server which is located by default at http://localhost:8082/OPCXmlDAserver/Service.asmx

OPC UA Server

The uForte OPC Server Engine includes OPC UA server which is located by default at opc.tcp://localhost:8083/OpcUaServer
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