uForte OPC Server Development Kit

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About OPC
"uForte OPC Server Development Kit" is a fine product, it has been extremely successful in the implementations we have used it in Coating Control and Mill Control."
Ned Scopulovic, Senior Systems Engineer at Hatch IAS


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Deployment Wizard

When the CCM is ready and the OPC server is functioning as required you might want to distribute that on other computers. The "Deployment Wizard" can generate an installer package that will include all the required files and perform the necessary settings on the destination computer. Start "Depolyment Wizard" from the program's group.
  • "Application name", "Company name" and "Company web site" - product and installer customization options.
  • "Save package as" - installer package file name by default placed in the installation folder.
  • "Additional files" - additional files to be included in the installer, e.g. some libraries used in the CCM. Once installed, these files will be placed into the installation folder.
  • CCM is included by default if "Start CCM after OPC server..." is ticked in the Options, otherwise it has to be included here.
  • Control Panel Options - allow to disable some of the uForte OPC Server Control Panel commands after installation.
Click "Create Deployment Package".
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