uForte OPC Server Development Kit

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About OPC
"uForte OPC Server Development Kit" is a fine product, it has been extremely successful in the implementations we have used it in Coating Control and Mill Control."
Ned Scopulovic, Senior Systems Engineer at Hatch IAS


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Frequently Asked Questions

Question: I get "Access denied" (or "Insufficient access rights ..." or similar) error accessing ufOPCSvrCust

Answer: You should setup DCOM security settings. How to do that:

  1. Start "dcomcnfg.exe" from command line and select "Component Services->Computers->My Computer->DCOM Config" node. For each uForte object:
  2. right click on it and select "Properties" command.
  3. on the opened dialog select "Security" page.
  4. setup "Launch Permissions" and "Access Permissions": select "Customize" check box and click on "Edit" button to setup permissions, e.g. like on picture:
  5. if you have XP SP2 then you have to click properties of the "Component Services->Computers->My Computer" node click "Edit Deafult" button in "Access Permissions" and add Everyone user (details can be found here)
  6. If you have a peer to peer network (without domain) then you should do the following:
    • Open "Local Security Policy->User Rights Assignment" on the OPC server computer. Add "Guest" to "Access this computer from the network" and remove it from "Deny access to this computer from the network".
    • Open "Local Security Policy->Security Options" on the OPC server computer. Grant Everyone all permissions in both "DCOM: Machine Access Restrictions:" and "DCOM: Machine Launch Restrictions:".
  7. shut down UForte OPC Server and your application.
  8. start your application.
Question: I have made a CCM module but it doesn't work, what I should do?

Answer: Describe the problem and send sources of your CCM to us.

Question: How could I get additional information and/or discuss specific needs?

Answer: If you require more information about uForte OPC Server Development Kit then feel free to contact us.

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